Böjningar av spatial, Positiv, Komparativ, Superlativ. Obestämd singular, Utrum, spatial, △. Vid sidan om en allmän spatial förmåga har även mer avgränsade spatiala förmågor identifierats, såsom visualiseringsförmåga och förmåga att för sin inre syn .

Spatial definition, of or relating to space. Products include 3D ACIS Modeler, CGM, 3D InterOp data . Synonyms for spatial at Thesaurus. To achieve this, we build interactive and dynamic .

Dictionary and Word of the Day. However, theorists disagree on the number of subfactors sufficient to describe spatial aptitude” (p. 69). Nomenclature of spatial factors has also led to confusion.

Englisch-Deutsch-Übersetzung für spatial im Online-Wörterbuch dict. On the eve of an historic and controversial peace agreement in Colombia we have launched an investigation into the spatial characteristics of the decades long . Add the power of Location to your business intelligence – create and centrally manage maps, spatial data and location-based services across your entire . World-class laser systems and sensors for high-performance mapping, surveying, positioning and measuring, even in extreme . Measure, evaluate and improve the effectiveness of your wildlife law enforcement patrols and site-based conservation activities. Detta genom att fokusera på det faktum att distributionsnät bäst visualiseras med .

Därefter är den tillgänglig, i önskad utsträckning, inom hela organisationen. Using this approach, we obtain the zonation profiles of all liver genes with high spatial resolution. We find that more than of liver genes are significantly . Kursen behandlar geostatistiska metoder (kriging), spatiala punktprocesser och geoadditiva regressionsmodeller.

Som en del härav behandlas Gaussiska fält . Find hidden opportunities first, plan exploration, monitor daily operations, complete land reclamation, and make decisions quickly. Specifications and tools for 360º video and spatial audio. I kursen behandlas grundläggande teori för stationära processer, speciellt ARMA-processer. Vidare ingår teori för anpassning av ARMA-modeller .

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