Svar på frågan: vad betyder ten? Föreslå ett motsatsord (antonym) till tenar. Var noga med stavning och grammatisk form.
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Kjære gjest, du får vist max synonym, max 5om innlogget. The specific name tenax antedating Hypnum irriguum of Wilson by fifty years. Dersom du er tilfeldig dumpet inn på denne siden, prøv Kryssord. The skin overlying this region is the area.
Synonyms for tenen at Synonyms. Civitatis mores magis corrigit parcitas animadversionum. When an orator speaks but little. PARcitAs, roderation, feu ness.
The thenar eminence refers to the group of muscles on the palm of the human hand at the base of the thumb.
It is not Setaria onurus as described by Grisebach (see under Chaetochloa tenar, page 177). Term applied to any structure in relation with the base of the thumb or its underlying collective components. Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache nachschlagen. Dictionary and Word of the Day.
The following synonyma of some of the species of Musca figured on the plate, may. Den gratis norske synonym ordboken. Define thenar: of, relating to, involving, or constituting the ball of the thumb or the intrinsic musculature of the thumb. Finn synonymer til tre og andre relaterte ord.
Gratis norsk synonymordbok på nett. Anatomythe fleshy mass of the outer side of the palm of the hand. A term denoting gear of one sort or another.
Thenar definition, the fleshy mass of the outer side of the palm of the hand.
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