Drumliner är landformer av morän som skapats subglacialt, dvs under en glaciär. På många platser som var täckta av inlandsis, har isen . Nominativ, der, Drumlin, die, Drumlins.
Genitiv, des, Drumlins, der, Drumlins. Drumlins occur widely within the moulded and streamlined scenery of the central lowlands of Scotland. This field of drumlins was photographed while flying over Peterborough County in Ontario, Canada. Note the drumlins are all aligned in the same direction, .
Drumlins formed by glacial drifts near Kettle Moraine State Forest, Eagle, Wis. A secondary school revision resource for GCSE Geography covering glacial landscapes and deposition landforms such as drumlins and erratics. B, transverse profile of the drumlin shown above, viewed from the north III. They appear to have important interpretive value for direction . Anu Garg The planet is getting warmer.
Then and now pictures leave no doubt about the severity of the problem. DRUMLIN WOODCHUCK, A woodchuck altogether. SV DA Svenska Danska översättingar för Drumlin.
I thought about it and thought it.
There is an easy hike to the top of the drumlin, one of the highest points in the greater Boston area. Drumlin (fra irsk: droimnín, liten rygg) er en langstrakt, svakt hvelvet, hauglignende landskapsform dannet av isbreer, overveiende gjennom avlagring av . In the central to southeastern part of the state (particularly Dane, Dodge, and Jefferson Counties), well-developed landforms known as drumlins formed beneath . Drumlin Farm Wildlife Sanctuary, Lincoln: See reviews, articles, and photos of Drumlin Farm Wildlife Sanctuary, ranked No. Drumlin field south of Lake Ontario (the large bay in the upper left that is not colored blue is Irondequoit Bay near Rochester, NY). Glosbe, online-lexikon, gratis.
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