Font Awesome, the iconic font and CSS framework. The iconic font and CSS framework – cdnjs. Download all the iconset:font-awesome icons you need.

The best FOSS CDN for web related libraries to speed up your websites! These icons are treated just like fonts. Choose between 9iconset:font-awesome icons in both vector SVG and PNG format.

It was made by Dave Gandy for use with Twitter Bootstrap, and later was incorporated into the . Avada has them built right into the theme so you can use any of the 300+ icons. Axure staff edit : The attached custom widget library, FontAwesomeV321. This is caused by alignments of the icon font. All brand icons are trademarks of their respective owners. Add font-awesome to your write-ups without editing the source code!

Icons resource, for Sketch App. Tool to build custom fonts with icons.

If you are using FontAwesome CSS, then this library will make your life slightly nicer. Easily integrate FontAwesome icons into your Elm . This font contains about 2various icon glyphs. Drag custom SVG icons or SVG font here.

Glyphs are designed as scalable vector graphics hence . SportsOn supported crisp and clear fontawesome icons. Shows icon previews with suggestions .

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