One side has the wor one side has the definition. TB technically means teeny bopper. This term refers to not only girls but the male gender also. It refers to kids who are immature and have no co. This Internet Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of TB is.

The slang word acronym abbreviation TB means. Looking for the definition of TB? Find out what is the full meaning of TB on Abbreviations. To Be’ is one option — get in to view more @ The Web’s largest . What does TB mean on Instagram or Facebook?

TB meaning of the TB hashtag and definition of the hashtag TB used on popular social media websites and . What does TB and GB mean when comparing computer hard drives? GB (gigabyte) and TB (terabyte) are units of measurement for storage size. QA Apple Time Capsule: Mac OS X 10.

SI prefixes, so: kB = 10B MB = 10kB GB = 10MB TB = 10GB . I have a need for an external hard drive. Asked by Mel H from Haywards Heath; Jan 2010 . What Does #TBT Really Mean on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook?

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