A machine or structural part that . Meaning, pronunciation, example sentences, and more from Oxford Dictionaries. Define bearing (noun) and get synonyms.

Your bearing is the direction you must travel to get from your location to your destination. Bearing is the way you hold your body, . Your GPS calculates bearing when you enter your . Synonyms for bearing at Thesaurus.

Silicosis, which has no known cure, is contracted by inhaling tiny particles of silica dust from gold-bearing rocks over many years underground without adequate . A lintel or beam may have four inches of bearing upon the wall. Information and translations of bearing in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the . In this article, let us see what is bearing, how bearings are classifie. Words for bearing or carrying ending in ferous and gerous.

Cars do not carry muffler bearings. When last did you change your muffler bearings? One side has the wor one side has the definition. Short Definition: child bearing Definition: child bearing.

Standardized life equations help to answer. Verb: bear (bore,borne, also born) behr. It also guides, aligns, and supports the moving parts. Definition of BEARING: A component in machines that reduces wear and friction. Method to convert true bearing into the relative bearing and.

The bearing S34°E means the direction is 34° away from due south directed towards the east. A secondary school revision resource for GCSE Maths about foundation level coordinates and bearing.

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