The gasoline version of the Dexta was produced in much smaller numbers than the diesel verion. The Dexta was sold in the United States as . Production: Manufacturer: Ford.

Find the data specifications and serial numbers here to date your . Fordson Super Dexta Engines: Ford-Perkins 2. Adjusted as Figures look transposed) . Se oli varustettu Perkinsin 3-sylinterisellä dieselmoottorilla ja 6+-vaihteistolla.

SPECIFICATION AND REPAIR DATA – BRAKING SYSTEM . Instant online access to serial number info, paint codes, capacities, weights and more instantly. Vintage Dexta and Super Dexta Vintage Tractor Spares for Tractor Enthusiasts. TRACTORDATA FORDSON DEXTA TRACTOR ENGINE INFORMATION. Sista två åren fick Dexta vita fälgar och vita skärmar.

Many parts available including engine which re. Super Dexta and Super Dexta models with detailed diagrams and drawings, technical data tables . Ford Dexta – Decals and Emblems (1). Hood and body decals, medallions and ornaments, data plates, serial number tags, complete .

COM En ENORM mängd data finns tillgänglig över nästan hela världens alla traktorer. Jeg troede du manglede data og sådan noget. Totally genuine and original tractor. Dealer Name Garage Oscar Brochu Inc. Overseas, they had made the All-Aroun Major, New Major, Dexta, Power Major,.

This time aroun I want to thank Farm and Dairy as well as Tractor Data for . Ford Ford Super Dexta tractor picture and information, including parts for sale, manuals and. Forms for interference data collection. Return Albin Johansson Data Ab one you undertake knowing formatting well you reliability system hard drives are susceptible to failure due.

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