Convert one oil filter brand to another. Bosch Premium Oil Filters protect your engine by keeping harmful particles and dirt out, preventing . MANN Filters: Oil, Air, Fuel and Lube.

RYCO Filters can be used to replace OEM parts. Search for the RYCO equivalent filter to match your OEM filter. One of the largest Hydraulic cross references available, with over.

The below chart cross-references common oil filters across brands.

Donaldson Filtration Solutions – Find your filter! Find cross referenced air filters and oil filters for your car, truck, motorcycle, power equipment, . This cross reference guide will return the corresponding AMSOIL filter(s) for any manufacturer filter number. No this one should work because it cross references this. Technical Information, Quality Questions, New Product.

Check Applications Catalog to Verify Cross-Reference. The word Manufacturer is used only for ease of reference. It may include distributors, resellers, etc.

Cross Reference, Applications, Catalog Assistance,.

Original equipment manufacturer (OEM) names are the trademarks of each manufacturer. OEM names and part numbers are for reference only and do not . This pdf ebook is one of digital edition of. Enter part number without space, hyphens, dots, ect.

Search by Refrigerator or Filter Model Number: Lookup by Manufacturer: Amana. WIX FILTER LOOK-UP With Over 10filters, find the correct WIX filter for any vehicle. Vehicle Lookup Select your vehicle classification from the menu below.

Has anyone had luck cross referencing the 6oil filters to the automotive.

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