Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this International Standard may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible . Specifies products preferable for hexagon bolts, screws and nuts of product grade C .

This PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. Surface finish: Plain and zinc plated. Metalliteollisuuden Standardisoimiskeskus Federation of the Finnish Metal and Engineering Industries, Standards Department.

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Jetzt günstig und einfach bestellen. Centrum elementów złącznych ng Kraków. Podkładka płaska, klasa produktu C . M, d d s, Fe, Zn, Veličina pakiranja. Navštivte nás, z více než 0skladových produktů si jistě vyberete. DIN 12 Flat Washer Without Chamfer.

Lietuvos įmones ir privačius vartotojus patikimomis tvirtinimo detalėmis. Шайба плоская (класс точности А), форма А. DIN standards to ISO or EN standards is was done with the aim of.

M M M M M 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 M 20. Ploché kruhové podložky – Běžná řada – Výrobní třída C. SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL STANDARD. Bolts to the property classes 8. We offer Din 1washers , Brass washers DIn 12 Copper washers Din 12 Stainless Steel washers Din 12 Brass washer manufacturers, Copper washer .

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