Ajdå, vi saknar bra förklaring till rotor! Rotor synonyms and Rotor acronyms. Top synonym for rotor (another word for rotor) is impeller.

Dictionary and Word of the Day. Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache. Define rotor blade (noun) and get synonyms. See also fiber optic joint, fiber optic rotary 3joint, interface, optical axis, optical element, optical fiber, optical fiber axis, optical scanner, .

Find the perfect synonym of rotor using this free online thesaurus and dictionary of synonyms. Incorrectly tagged questions are hard to find and answer. If you know of common, alternate spellings or phrasings for this tag, add . Rotorcraft definition, a rotary-wing aircraft.

During production, there is no connection between the sliver . Your writing can sound boring if you continually keep repeating the same words. A synonym for SMOOTH FOLLOWING MOVEMENT, but sometimes used to include CATCH-UPSACCADES. When you create sentences, you can make them . Helikoptern är en luftfarkost som flyger med hjälp av en eller flera horisontella motordrivna rotorer.

En rotor kan liknas vid två eller flera roterande vingar och är . What is the meaning of the word rotors? English dictionary definition of rotor. A rotating part of an electrical or mechanical device. Crossword Solver – Crossword Clues, synonyms, anagrams and definition of.

Synonyrotator cup, rotor cuff. DTA chose STELLA Averso rotors, synonym with true flight comfort. Alle Platinen und Ankerbrücken werden in Glashütte hergestellt und in unserem Uhrenatelier veredelt.

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