It is an optional byproduct created during. Discussing straw and hay in FS17: why you need it, how to get it, and what to do with it! You only have to do this once, as the grass will grown back by .
Straw Producing straw is done by harvesting wheat. When harvesting wheat, straw is what is left after the grain is taken out and harvested. Please enjoy your visit and we hope you subscribe! Please post your questions or fun findings for the game .
With activated chopper the straw is visibly left on the field. By cultivating or ploughing it may fertilize your field. This can be controlled by the . If the map is already prepare you just need ZZZ_ChoppedStraw. FSChopped Straw For Harvesters 1. Placeable straw and hay storage building v1. DREISTE HOF PLUS CHOPPEDSTRAW for LS17.
Moinsen Leut So am once out set for the swath, because the old shit from Gigants looks. Bales from the ejected materials you need to turn ON the Straw Swath on the Harvester for Wheat or Barley .
It is possible to loose grass, hay and straw to the charging cars, . Farming Simulator Walkthrough Guide. MarkusMve It will make hay and straw bales and NOT wrap them. Storage (straw, grass, hay) V 2. Fehler behoben die zu Call Stack führten. You can storage: straw grass_windrow .
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